Publication List
note: sometimes appear as Ardiansyah / Ardiansyah Musa / Ardiansyah Musa Efendi
International Journal
Z. Masood, R. Gantassi, Ardiansyah, Y. Choi, "A Multi-step Time-Series Clustering-based Seq2Seq LSTM Learning for a Single Household Electricity Load Forecasting", Energies (SCIE, IF: 3.004, Scopus Q2)
Z. Masood, Ardiansyah, Y. Choi, "Energy-Efficient Optimal Power Allocation for SWIPT based IoT-Enabled Smart Meter", MDPI Sensors (SCIE, IF: 3.576, Scopus Q2)
Ardiansyah, et al., "Latency-Optimal Network Intelligence Services in SDN/NFV-based Energy Internet Cyberinfrastructure", IEEE Access, IEEE, 2020. (SCIE, IF: 4.048, Scopus Q1)
Ardiansyah, et al., "A Decision Tree-based NLOS Detection Method for the UWB Indoor Location Tracking Accuracy Improvement", International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 2019. (SCIE, IF: 1.717, Scopus Q2)
G.D. Nugraha, Ardiansyah, J. Cho, K. Park, D. Choi, "Lambda-based data processing architecture for two-level load forecasting in residential buildings", Energies, MDPI, March 2018. (SCIE, IF: 2.676, Scopus Q1)
Ardiansyah, I. Paramitha, M. Salman, D. Choi, "Implementation and performance analysis of mobile handoff process on openflow-based WI-FI network", International Journal of Technology, Vol. 6, No.2, 2016. (ESCI, Scopus Q3)
Ardiansyah, D. Lee, I. Paramitha, K. Ramli, D. Choi, "Constructing Energy Aware Home Automation within the IPv6-USN Architecture", International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 63-86, July 2014. (Scopus Q3)
Ardiansyah, A. F. P. Negara, S. Oh, D. Choi, "A design of 6LoWPAN routing protocol border router with multi-uplink interface: ethernet and Wi-Fi", Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 56-60, Jan 2014. (Scopus Q4)
Ardiansyah, S. Oh, A. F. P. Negara, D. Choi, "Battery-less 6lowpan-based wireless home automation by use of energy harvesting", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vo. 9, No.7, July 2013. (SCIE, IF: 1.787, Scopus Q2)
Ardiansyah, S. Oh and D. Choi, "6LoWPAN-based Wireless Home automation: From Secure System Development to Building Energy Management", Smart Computing Review, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 123 - 138, 2013.
A. F. P. Negara, E. Kodirov, Ardiansyah, D. Choi, G. S. Lee, "Hey Home, Open Your Door, I'm Back! Authentication System using Ear Biometrics for Smart Home", International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan 2013. (Scopus Q3)
Granted Patent / Copyright
Ardiansyah, G. D. Nugraha, H. Han, D. Choi, "울트라와이드밴드 앵커 2개를 사용한 실내 실시간 위치추적 알고리즘", Type: Copyright (Software), Number: C-2018-019540, Date: August 2, 2018, Korea Copyright Commission.
International Conference
Ardiansyah, Y. Kim, D. Choi, "LSTM-based Multi-Step SOC Forecasting of Battery Energy Storage in Grid Ancillary Services", 2021 International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Aachen, Germany, Oct 2021.
Ardiansyah, Y. Choi, M.R.K. Aziz, D. Choi, "Latency Minimization for Energy Internet Communications with SDN Virtualization Infrastructure", 2019 International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Beijing, China, Oct 2019.
Ardiansyah, G.D. Nugraha, K. Ramli, D. Choi, "A design of data-driven energy-use profiling in residential buildings: poster abstract", The 5th ACM International Conference on Systems for Built Environments (BuildSys ’18), Shenzhen, China, Nov 2018.
G. D. Nugraha, Ardiansyah, K. Ramli, D. Choi, "Smart-Meter Data: A New Oil for the Smart and Sustainable Energy System", International Conference on Science, Management, and Engineering 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia, Oct 2018.
Ardiansyah, et al., "A Design of Indoor RTLS by Use of the UWB-WSN based Two Reference Points", The 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology, Lombok, Indonesia, April 2018.
M. R. K. Aziz, Heriansyah, E.M Saputra, Ardiansyah, "Theoretical Bound of CRLB for Energy Efficient Technique of RSS-Based Factor Graph Geolocation", IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 012011, March 2018.
A. Setiabudi, A.A. Pratiwi, Ardiansyah, D. Permana, R.F. Sari, "Performance comparison of GPSR and ZRP routing protocols in VANET environment", The IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYSMP) 2016, Bali, Indonesia, May 2016.
Ardiansyah, et al., "Aggregation management design for user-defined network infrastructure", The 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sept 2014.
Ardiansyah, A. F. P. Negara, T. Hoang, D. Choi, "New Telebanking Security Model using Transparent & Implicit Authentication System", The FTRA 2013 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems, Da Nang, Vietnam, June 2013.
A. F. P. Negara, B. Prayoga, Ardiansyah, J. Song, D. Choi, Y. Kim, "3D-to-2D Projection Algorithm for Remote Control Using Smartphone: Enhancing Smartphone Capability for Costless Wireless Audio Visual Consumer Appliance Control", 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), Barcelona, Spain, March 2013.
Ardiansyah, S. Oh, A. F. P. Negara, T. Hoang, D. Choi, "Routing Approach in IPv6 Ubiquitous Internet-Based Home Automation Network", Future Information Communication Technology and Applications: ICFICE 2013, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 235), 2013.
Domestic Journal (Korea/Indonesia)
N. Abdurazakov, Ardiansyah, D. Choi, "Appliance Load Profile Assessment for Automated DR Program in Residential Buildings ", Smart Media Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, Dec 2019.
M. Nugraha, I. Paramitha, Ardiansyah, B. Cho, D. Choi, "Utilizing OpenFlow and sFlow to detect and mitigate SYN flooding attack", Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 17, No. 8, Aug 2014.
S. Oh, Ardiansyah, D. Choi, "6LoWPAN based IP-USN system implementation for improving scalability, The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 687-699, 2013.
Domestic Conference (Korea/Indonesia)
Ardiansyah, Y. Kim, D. Choi, "IoT System Architecture for Battery Digital Twin", KNOM Conference 2021, Pohang, South Korea, April 2021.
M. R. K. Aziz, Heriansyah, E.M Saputra, A. Pascawati, Ardiansyah, "CRLB for DRSS-based Factor Graph of Wireless Geolocation", Symposium of Future Telecommunication and Technologies (SOFT 2018), Bandung, Indonesia, Dec 2018.
Ardiansyah, G. D. Nugraha, D. Choi, "A Design of Blockchain Framework for the P2P Energy System", KNOM Conference 2018, Jeju, South Korea, May 2018.
Ardiansyah, J. Lim, G.D. Nugraha, D. Choi, "Fast Handover Authentication for Internet of Drones Services over SD-WMN Environment", KISM Fall Conference 2017, South Korea, Nov 2017.
Ardiansyah, "Membangun Jaringan Nirkabel yang Aman Untuk Layanan Internet of Drones yang Nyaman", CDEF Bulletin 3rd Edition, Aug 2018.